Monday, March 19, 2012

Stepping Out of God's Way

Days Nineteen and Twenty -

The hardest part of stepping out of the way and truly trusting the Lord to do his will is taking the first step. It means being mindful and actually giving thought to what you are doing and saying. And it definitely means not living life on auto pilot. For me, it feels like a whole new way of living. It's not about just go-go-going and doing everything that comes my way - assuming that everything I come across is because God put it there for me to do. Sometimes I think he puts things in my path to see if I am really hearing him, not necessarily setting me up to fail, but just making sure I'm paying attention. I've found that I can do all sorts of "godly" things, but if those things are distracting me from his presence are they really all that important?

Don't get me wrong. It isn't the easiest thing in the world for me to turn the constant go-go-go of my brain off, especially when it comes to things that I know I could very easily do. A lot of times I know it's my pride or my desire to be in control to jump at the chance to do something. Perhaps it's even a chance to avoid trusting the Lord. Yeah, I said it. Because if I'm busy doing "godly" things, too busy to do much more than go through the routine of the Christian life, then maybe I don't have to worry about getting out of my comfort zone. If I'm so busy doing the "God" stuff, then I definitely don't have time to worry about getting out of the mediocre and follow God right into the extraordinary- not that my mediocre is all that boring.

Thankfully, I have a Savior who is patient with me and loves me even when I'm not being the best version of myself. When I've been ready to jump in and do something, he gives me that little spiritual tap on the shoulder - "Nope. Not yet.". Sure it takes some adjustment, but truthfully I want to be doing what he wants me to do. He's the Creator of the world, how could a life following him not be amazing? I want peace and to be joyful in what I'm doing - not to be so busy and stressed that I miss the blessings the Lord puts in my path. Lately, I've been realizing that I've missed some of the greatest blessings that were right in front of my face just by being so busy.

Time to take that first step...


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