Saturday, February 25, 2012

Coincidence...I Think Not

Day Three -
Today was a beautiful day; a day only brought together by God. It's funny how many times we dismiss certain events as coincidence, when really I think that's how God operates. Those "coincidences" are just a tiny glimpse into His perfect existence. He knows the beginning and the end. He created it, after all. Wouldn't things  naturally fit together - related or not - to make that plan happen? It's our fallen nature that keeps us from the true insight into the plan. "Coincidences" are God's plan at work. That's my thought on the matter, any how.

So what do coincidences have to do with Lent? Today I saw God at work in only a way He could do it. It started in the morning with the Spirit really revealing something about my nature to me. The more I thought about it, the more it truly made sense to me. Like most spiritual truths, I know walking this one out is going to be difficult, but most definitely worth it. Even throughout the day I was catching myself.

The day continued with meeting a dear friend who had called me out of the blue for lunch. We hadn't seen each other in months, so it was a nice time to catch up. She shared her testimony and the amazing work that God is doing in her family's ministry. We had not really been keeping up with each other over the months, but I love love love how God works! He brought two busy ladies together for one hour in a fast food restaurant. I could just see the glory of God all around her, and every word ministered to exactly what I was going through. Only God can do that!

And anyone who says my God doesn't have a sense of humor is crazy. When I got in the car to leave God even used rock music (gotta love that) to reaffirm His message. Like Manafest says, "No Plan B".

"for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy." - 1 Peter 1:16


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