Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's In A Life?

Day Four -

It's interesting that once you begin down the path of self-evaluation, if you're open to it, how revelation will come to you. For me, it's been almost amusing. Revelation while staring in a mirror. Revelation while having a conversation. Revelation while driving down the road. There have been quite a few "Oh I get it!" moments. Truthfully, this has been a process that began weeks ago as I prepared for some teaching. It's amazing how it all comes together in time. I'm thankful for the snippets of light. If it all came at once, I fear I would be completely overwhelmed. I'm thankful the Lord understands me that way.

Today, I experienced something that I found really sad on some levels, intriguing on others. My mom and I went to the fabric sale of a an artist that she was knew. The artist, without giving too many details, was recently given a terminal diagnosis of 2-6 months. Sadly, without health insurance or family, her supplies are being sold. Next she will be scheduling an estate sale to help her cover her medical costs. Fortunately, a local doctor is helping her with her treatment. Walking into her home, it's obvious that she is full of light and creativity. All of these beautiful bright colors filled the rooms! What is sad to me is that, at the end of her days, she is having to sale all of the things I think would be bringing her comfort - her art, her creative tools, her pets, parts of her home. I can't imagine the feeling of watching things you treasure walking away with the highest bidder.

I kept thinking about the song Salt and Light by the band Sent By Ravens -- "I came here with nothing, but I left with everything." Everything - the intangible love and healing of Christ. The other stuff is just that, stuff we fill our lives with. We are broken, and He makes us whole. The rest does not matter.


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