Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nurturing Faith

Day Twenty-Eight -

Have you ever seen a mustard seed? Today I was planting mustard seeds in the garden, and I was amazed at how tiny they are. I couldn't help but wonder, if faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain, what has my faith been doing? Is my faith moving mountains? Is it doing anything to further the kingdom of God? Do I really believe that faith - my faith - can do this?

On some level, I understand how the disciples were feeling in Matthew 17. They were confused. They came to Jesus and quietly asked him why they had not been able to drive the demon out of the boy. Knowing and believing are two different things. Knowing they were in the presence of the Messiah - God's son - and believing it were obviously not quite clicking. Believing that they, as Christ's disciples, had authority to drive out the demon in this boy in the name of Jesus was a thought that was likely still beyond their faith.

My faith may not be moving physical mountains...yet...but it is doing something. It is growing and changing every moment. It is knowing and believing that God has a plan, and that somehow he has made me a part of this plan. Like any seed that has been planted, it has to be nurtured so it can grow into something useful and beautiful.

For me, faith is believing that "unreasonable" things are possible, and knowing that I serve a God who is faithful to his word and can make the ordinary extraordinary.

"He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." - Matthew 17:20


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

God's Word Never Fails

Day Twenty-Four -

There is something unique about studying God's Word. It is something that I have not experienced in studying any other book. God's Word is straightforward, yet mysterious - ever-changing, yet faithfully constant. There is something incredibly beautiful about it. It is the one book that I can open, and even if I have read it's verses countless times, I will truly learn something new. Something new about God's ways. Something new about myself. It grows and matures as we grow and mature in our faith. I may start one place while studying, but it never fails that I will end up in a completely different place in the Bible. Completely different, but totally connected. That is the beauty of the scriptures. They are timeless, as God himself is timeless. They are a tapestry, woven together, pointing to the one true thing - Christ, the glory of God, living in us. The Word of God is a mirror to our souls, a refuge in the storms of our life, and our sword as we face the battle that rages around us. It is a true picture of our Creator.

"To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." - Colossians 1:27


Monday, March 19, 2012

Stepping Out of God's Way

Days Nineteen and Twenty -

The hardest part of stepping out of the way and truly trusting the Lord to do his will is taking the first step. It means being mindful and actually giving thought to what you are doing and saying. And it definitely means not living life on auto pilot. For me, it feels like a whole new way of living. It's not about just go-go-going and doing everything that comes my way - assuming that everything I come across is because God put it there for me to do. Sometimes I think he puts things in my path to see if I am really hearing him, not necessarily setting me up to fail, but just making sure I'm paying attention. I've found that I can do all sorts of "godly" things, but if those things are distracting me from his presence are they really all that important?

Don't get me wrong. It isn't the easiest thing in the world for me to turn the constant go-go-go of my brain off, especially when it comes to things that I know I could very easily do. A lot of times I know it's my pride or my desire to be in control to jump at the chance to do something. Perhaps it's even a chance to avoid trusting the Lord. Yeah, I said it. Because if I'm busy doing "godly" things, too busy to do much more than go through the routine of the Christian life, then maybe I don't have to worry about getting out of my comfort zone. If I'm so busy doing the "God" stuff, then I definitely don't have time to worry about getting out of the mediocre and follow God right into the extraordinary- not that my mediocre is all that boring.

Thankfully, I have a Savior who is patient with me and loves me even when I'm not being the best version of myself. When I've been ready to jump in and do something, he gives me that little spiritual tap on the shoulder - "Nope. Not yet.". Sure it takes some adjustment, but truthfully I want to be doing what he wants me to do. He's the Creator of the world, how could a life following him not be amazing? I want peace and to be joyful in what I'm doing - not to be so busy and stressed that I miss the blessings the Lord puts in my path. Lately, I've been realizing that I've missed some of the greatest blessings that were right in front of my face just by being so busy.

Time to take that first step...


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Only God Can Work That Way

Day Eighteen -

I have found myself saying, "Only God can work that way" a lot lately. It's so true. The things that he does to turn people's lives around or how he uses the last person you could possibly imagine to do the most extraordinary things is something that only he could do. I think that gets forgotten in modern Christianity sometimes. We don't talk enough about what God is doing in the lives of the average person. Even we chalk things up to coincidence. The power of our witness and testimony gets lost in the shuffle of church life. Is it because we're afraid of how God works or that we don't believe God works that way anymore? Does it not fit into the traditional or contemporary worship model? Is testimony of the people too unscripted, something clergy can't control? Would we rather hear the testimony of a famous person than the person sitting next to us in the pews? Is that all that rates as an extraordinary move of God?

I'm not trying to be cynical. I've just been thinking about how much I enjoy hearing people's testimonies. I find it encouraging to hear how God is/has moved in their lives. It gets me thinking about my own life and how God has brought me to the point that I am in my life. I sure know I couldn't have gotten here without his help and the prayers of some very faithful people. I'm thankful he answered those prayers...because only God can work that way.

"And he did not permit him but said to him, "Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." Mark 5:19 (ESV)


Signs of Life

Day Seventeen -

A few days ago, I posted a picture of a peach tree blooming in the community garden. On the other side of the garden is another peach tree. This one was in terrible shape. It, too, had been a victim of last year's brutal summer heat - possibly even more so than the tree that has already bloomed. There seemed to be no hope for this little peach tree, and would have most likely been dug up at our next garden work day.

Today, as I was walking through the garden during a break from a hectic day of work, I simply prayed, 'Please Lord, show me some sign that this tree is still alive'. Now, I know some people might think it's a little bizarre to pray for a tree. But just like the blooms on the other tree gave me some hope, I was really in need of some hope - a visible, tangible sign of God's enduring hope. I looked at the tree closely - the bark was dry and some of the tiny branches had broken from wind - but then I saw the most miraculous thing. I saw tiny green shoots coming through the dry branches of the tree. These shoots were so tiny, I could barely see them. I tried to take a picture, but they weren't visible. Those tiny green shoots were a beautiful sight. They were a sign of life.

I truly needed that. I needed something positive - something hopeful. Last week was tough. I felt like I had been through the ringer, so to speak, but something about this little peach tree's tiny blooms resonated with me. No matter how weary or confused I may have been feeling, I needed to have faith and trust the Lord to carry me through the desert places. It also taught me not to discount things before truly giving them a chance - be that my own gifts and talents or those of others. Most of the gardeners were ready to remove that tree from the garden two weeks ago. If we had, we would removed a living tree. Don't give up! God can do mighty things with a tiny spark of life. He knows the perfect timing for things. No matter how hard I may try to "make things happen", the truth is, they can only happen in his perfect time.

"And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food." - Genesis 2:9a


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Coming Into the Light

Celebration Sunday - 

You can't know light until you've known darkness. One without the other makes no sense. You can't know what Christ in your life means until you realize how much you truly need him. Sure, you can follow his teachings;  which would make you a "good" person, but until you let him change your heart and fully believe that you cannot live without him in your life, you won't know anything more than what a good person he was. 

I feel this struggle going on within me. I'm feeling like an exile - traveling through and realizing that everything is not as it seems. I want to press in to the Lord, to feel his presence so deeply in my life. I want to worship him with every ounce of my being. I want to lay myself bare before him, and know that he will still love me. I don't have time to go through the motions anymore. I don't want the facade. I want the depth. So for now I feel like a wanderer, coming out of the darkness into the light. When light overcomes the darkness, you see things from a new perspective. Life takes a new shape. 

This week, prayer has been more real to me. Being able to tell God, "I don't know how to this. I need you direct me," is so freeing. And knowing that he will be faithful is even more liberating.

"Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant? Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God." - Isaiah 50:10


Feeding the Machine?

Day Fifteen/Sixteen -

It's been a hectic weekend full of concerts.

As we were driving to a concert on Friday evening, something kind of popped into my head; I wondered if  "Christianity" as an establishment has become lazy. I live within 20 miles of probably 10 of the largest churches in the state, if not the country. Each of them have these massive buildings. My thought is: are they necessary? Are we more concerned with drawing people into buildings than preparing them to be sent out into the world? Have we gotten stuck in the proverbial rut of being church-centric - going to church on Sundays to be entertained by the hottest worship team and hearing the 'it' pastor with the latest book? Are we being the church from the safety of our trendy four walls? Sure we're sharing Jesus. Sure we're all about social justice somewhere else - half way around the world. But what about ten feet out of our parking lot? Are we being Jesus to the people we pass on our way to church, or are we so concerned with getting there - like a moth attracted to a flame? 

Don't get me wrong. I'm really not trying to hate on large churches - or "organized" religion. I think that they do very positive work, and if they are doing the work the Lord has called them to do, that is all that counts. Lately, I've just been wondering where I fit in this "establishment". It feels almost oppressive - lacking Spirit to me. Maybe it's my rebellious nature. Maybe it's something else. I don't know. I don't feel like I fit. I get tired of the "3 songs - 3 points and a story/joke - a prayer or two - and reciting the same things" model. It makes me think of the song - Feed the Machine by Red. While I'm sure it's not the meaning intended behind the lyrics, it keeps coming to mind when I hear the song. Am I just feeding the machine?

It's what I've been wondering...

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." - Colossians 2:8

Feed the Machine by Red


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Beneath the Surface

Day Fourteen -

A few years back I wrote a devotional about things we hold on to just below the surface. I believe I used a rain -soaked road as an illustration. It's been a rainy day here, and this devo came back to mind.

As drivers, we get used to the roads that we travel on a regular basis. We take for granted their general condition, and we become so used to them that we drive them without really paying much attention to them. We become desensitized to our surroundings - we expect them to always be the same. Then the rain comes. A small amount of rain can turn a relatively safe road into something precarious. Just a few drops of rain causes the dirt and grime that is normally below the surface to turn the roadway into a slippery mess. One moment you are on sure footing, the next you are sliding - perhaps unable to stop. Once you get accustomed to the road, you might be able to correct yourself - drive more carefully - or you might slide until you crash. It's interesting how the road we travel, that is usually so benign, turns so quickly into something so dangerous; how we so quickly forget how dangerous it can actually be when the sun comes out and dries up the moisture.

Our lives as Christians are sometimes not all that different. In good times, we bask in the glow of Christ's light without really thinking about what it truly means to live a life following Christ. Our worship and devotion becomes routine - something more like just going through the motions. Sure we believe in Jesus, but as we journey on we become desensitized to what his sacrifice truly means to our lives. Yes we trust him, as long as things are going as we planned. Then trials come, and all of the junk that we hold beneath the surface starts rearing its ugly head. Maybe it's anger, frustration, fear, hate, pride, or the need to control. Whatever it is, if we aren't paying attention, if we haven't drawn closer to God, if we've ignored it instead of dealt with it, "it" becomes an open door in our lives for the enemy to come right through. Becoming content to go through the motions of religion without any true spiritual depth leaves us vulnerable to losing our way when difficulty comes. You may know every word of the Bible, but it does you no good if you don't know Christ - the living word. Knowledge and application are two very different things.

So what do you do? You dig deeper. It's not an easy process. You may see things in yourself you didn't realize were there. I know I have. God has revealed so much to me about myself in just the first few weeks of Lent. God knows your heart, and he loves you just the same. He knows everything about you, but you have to be willing to give it all to him. He is our restoration and our strength in our weakness.

I keep thinking of the song, Dig, by a band called Love Like Gravity. I love the lyrics: "Inching closer to the origin, beyond the current trends I follow. I brush the surface but it's not enough...We try to cut our way through stone, exposing layers so long concealed...If you want to live, dig right in."

So dig!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hope Blooms

Day Thirteen -

As I've mentioned before, gardening is one of the most spiritual activities for me. I see God's wonders and creation in a whole new light. This is a picture of a peach tree planted in the community garden last year, just before the most brutal summer on record in Texas. This poor little tree battled through the oppressive heat of the summer, trying to hang on to each one of it's few leaves. Last weekend, as we prepared the garden for spring, almost everyone had concluded that this tree had been a casualty of the summer heat, and that we would need to remove it from the garden. So imagine my surprise and excitement when I walked through the garden this morning and found these beautiful blooms. Just when we were about to give up on this tree, new life appeared. 

I think this is a wonderful example of how God works. We go through battles and tests of varying degrees, and then he comes and breathes new life into us. He replenishes and refreshes our souls. Though we may be battle-weary, His spirit in us is what makes us a new and beautiful creation. 

This picture gives me hope. It makes me not want to give into the temptation to give up. Even though I may be experiencing difficulties, I trust that the Lord is using those trials to bring about something beautiful. Everything happens in God's right timing.

"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:10-11



Day Ten - Day Twelve (Celebration Sunday in there too) -

Much has been happening recently. Good things. Hard things. Sad things. I can't put into words all that I have been feeling. Truthfully, the lack of words is confounding to me. Maybe there are just some things that you aren't meant to quantify. It comes down to trusting and having faith that God does what he says - that he is our refuge in difficult times - our protector and victory - and that all things have a purpose.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." - Isaiah 55:8

Saturday, March 3, 2012

In the Garden

Day Nine -

Today was the start of the gardening season for the community garden that I coordinate. There are so many spiritual lessons to be learned in the garden. It's no wonder that Jesus used planting and harvesting in so much of his teaching. From how and what we plant to where we plant to what kind of fruit we bare, there is so much wisdom to be gained through gardening.

Here is one of my blog posts from last year that I couldn't help but think about as I was getting my hands dirty in the garden this morning - 5 Things I've Learned From Being a Community Gardener:
1. Playing in dirt is pretty darn fun.

2. Balance is key. The garden, like life, takes a balanced mixture of quality materials to grow and be healthy. Being out of balance affects everything from your health and appearance to the fruit that you bare.

3. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. The thing you think is a pest might actually be very beneficial to the garden. Sometimes the "pests" have value. 

4. Be flexible, but be strong. When the wind and storms toss you about you can bed and not be broken.

5. Gardening has the ability to bring communities together and get people talking. I love when people stop by and chat or just come out to look at the garden. I love how people have come together to build it and take care of it. I know it has definitely been a bonding experience in my family. 

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5


Friday, March 2, 2012

I Had a Dream

Day Eight -

My journey for Lent actually began a few weeks before while I was preparing to teach at a ladies retreat. The preparation began with a dream and a verse. Yes, that's right, a dream. I think sometimes God has to speak to me in the middle of the night because it's the only time I slow down enough for him to get my attention. It's sad, but true - that's a commentary for another time, though.

Where I am going with this? I'm in a season of my life where I am reevaluating many things. I'm one to pack my schedule full of activities. That's all well and good, unless I'm too busy to really focus and appreciate what is right in front of me. I feel the Lord leading me deeper into him, and I feel like I am gaining a deeper understanding of what my purpose is really shaping up to be. All of this time I was filling my time with so much stuff, wondering what God's purpose for me really was. I'm thankful that He didn't give me what I asked for too early because I know myself. I would have been completely overwhelmed. Now I can stand back and see how the Lord is bringing it all together. Sometimes you just need a little rest from the craziness of life to understand it all.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:28-30

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Day Seven -

Today I was blessed to have the opportunity to lead the ladies Bible study group that I am a part of. This is a great group of ladies who support and challenge me on so many levels. I am so thankful the Lord has blessed me with their friendship.

I wanted to do something out of the norm, so we painted! Since it is the season of Lent, I wanted the ladies (and myself) to have a tangible reminder of our journey during this 40 days. I thought that a painting might be just that. My inspiration was the verse Psalm 51:10 - "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit in me." This passage from the book Altar'd by Jennifer Kennedy Dean also inspired me:
"God is about recreating. He doesn't just change you, He remakes you. The In-the-Beginning God is still the same Creator He has always been. He creates the same way. He brings form out of formlessness. He brings light out of darkness. He brings order out of chaos. He brings beauty out of ashes and fills up the empty places." 
