Saturday, March 3, 2012

In the Garden

Day Nine -

Today was the start of the gardening season for the community garden that I coordinate. There are so many spiritual lessons to be learned in the garden. It's no wonder that Jesus used planting and harvesting in so much of his teaching. From how and what we plant to where we plant to what kind of fruit we bare, there is so much wisdom to be gained through gardening.

Here is one of my blog posts from last year that I couldn't help but think about as I was getting my hands dirty in the garden this morning - 5 Things I've Learned From Being a Community Gardener:
1. Playing in dirt is pretty darn fun.

2. Balance is key. The garden, like life, takes a balanced mixture of quality materials to grow and be healthy. Being out of balance affects everything from your health and appearance to the fruit that you bare.

3. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. The thing you think is a pest might actually be very beneficial to the garden. Sometimes the "pests" have value. 

4. Be flexible, but be strong. When the wind and storms toss you about you can bed and not be broken.

5. Gardening has the ability to bring communities together and get people talking. I love when people stop by and chat or just come out to look at the garden. I love how people have come together to build it and take care of it. I know it has definitely been a bonding experience in my family. 

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5


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